Out of Lotus Notes – Our Experiences
In many companies, older Lotus Notes applications are not fully shut down even after having been replaced by new applications. The uncertainty about how to handle the information stored in the application holds the companies back from taking the final step. This leads to compliance challenges as well as licensing costs. In this article, we describe some of our experiences with shutting down Lotus Notes.
Controlled Test – Clean-Up and Migration
It has become standard procedure to conduct controlled tests when installing and updating IT systems. Unfortunately, there is not the same level of certainty when it comes to testing in other contexts of handling data. Undetected errors can have significant financial and quality consequences when large amounts of data are moved or cleaned up. Quality assurance and testing efforts should naturally be tailored to risks and severity, but a risk assessment and corresponding tests should always be conducted when handling data.
Archive or Migrate?
By distinguishing between two different ways of moving documents from an existing system to a new home, it is possible to approach the work in a more nuanced way and identify where to put your efforts.
A customer case demonstrates the point and the huge savings involved.
Incremental Migration
It is often necessary or desirable to migrate documents from one system to a new one in several steps. This adds a lot of complexity!
If you know where to look out for the worst risks and pitfalls in advance, they can be dealt with in due time.
Guide to Document Migration
New system! Now we just need to get the documents transferred from the old system.
It’s just not as easy as one would think… The project gets delayed, users can’t find the documents, data is lost, etc.
Hopefully this guide can help you avoid just that.
Electronic Signatures and Document Migration
A signature can lose its validity when documents are moved, for example when a new system is put into use. We explain the problem so you can take it into account.
Why a Document Migration is Complex
Document migration is often underestimated in terms of complexity and criticality, and we warn against it several places here on the blog. So what are the complexities of migration, and what are the paths through them. We dive into the complexity of migration.
Why a Document Migration is Critical
Document migration is often underestimated in terms of complexity and criticality, and we warn against it in several places here on the blog. So what is the criticality of migration, and how much does it hurt to fail? We dive into the criticality of migration.
Migrate the Entire Document
If we are going to migrate digital documents, we need to be very precise about what a document is so that we migrate the document in it’s entirety. The risk of not being precise is that documents lose their integrity during migration.
Do Not Underestimate a Document Migration
When new IT systems are implemented, the focus is on making sure they can do what we need in a good way. Only scarce interest is devoted to the migration that typically is waiting around the corner. This can backfire and cast a negative light on an otherwise well-implemented new system.